Friday, May 18, 2007

I just got back from the gym, and I'm about to go to sleep because I work at 7.

I have 3 finals next week....


So tomorrow night I'm gonna be studying all night.


What a life.

I can't wait until next wednesday, I'm getting wasted.


Stay Positive.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

I hate and love the game.

When you first meet someone, you think about them a lot, and you get that giddy light headed feeling all the time. The butterflies in the stomach. The constant smile on your face. The mystery when you call or text them and wonder if they're going to call you back...

I'm addicted.

I love that shit.

It's like a chess game.

I wish every relationship I've been in could remain in that stage forever.

How do you keep it right there permanently?

I always lose interest after a while, and things just fade away and disappear.

I want that feeling with one person, all the time.

Every conversation to be a new exploration.

I'm taking my dreaming ass to bed.

I went to the gym, and I'm tired outta my mind.

Stay Positive.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our feelings expressed in bitter thought
vehicles crashing,
angry metal against angry metal
grinding, monotonously clamouring,
screeching, binding.

then silence

sweat dripped from the edge of our sentences
salivating at the thought of you
I stood adjacent to you
as you stole a moment from my cold life
severed it from
even a kindling of reality
filled the needle with it
then injected me with its sweet syrup


I gave an answer in the recesses of yesterdays dream
Stood on the trellis of your existence
arms outstretched

I saw






Perhaps it was during this moment
of deafening realization
that I Let Go

I likened you to music in a silent room


Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I'm pressed for time.

My friend Scott should be here any minute.

How much of the paper did I finish, you ask?


1/2 a page.

Luckily I can shit out a paper like it's nobody's business, and this is the last paper I will have to write this semester!!!!!


Anyways, just wanted to leave an update.

Oh, and as for Amy coming over...

Well, she didn't, I didn't answer her calls.


I was asleep.

Shoot me.



Stay Positive!


Monday, May 14, 2007

Tension II

I saw you
Grinding your soul
Into his

Mashing your dreams together
Comingling with
His spirit
On the floor
Where you
A show for me
He wasn't aware of

Knowing nothing would come of it
But momentary satisfaction

Our eyes met
Introduced eachother
You fixated, pushed harder
Testing my manhood
Hoping to find yourself there
Not as alone as you

But I looked away

Boiling over

I got the invitation
I never attended
The party
I'd rather
In the dream-of
Than the

It seems sweeter that way

I would have been a dream
Come true



But you won't ever find out.

I like that.

Knowing you'll never know
Keeping a distance
A darkness
A hazy barrier
With foggy intentions

I'll bet it's driving you crazy


That's the idea

Labels: ,

To the left, you will observe the desk that I am currently sitting at whilst writing this...

A mess.

This is what happens when I work 40 hours a week and have 15 units at school. (even though I went part time a few weeks ago, I'm still exhausted all the time...)

I'm usually a pretty meticulous person, it's insanity.

(you'll notice the 3 computers, mixer and $500+ mixer and turntable being used as a coaster.)

I'm such a piece of shit sometimes I swear.


What's going on with the (ex)woman, you may ask... She's coming over again tonight, just for sex and then leaving. She should be here in an hour or so. Maybe I'm an asshole, because I know it rips her apart, and I don't want to have a relationship with her at this point, so I should maybe just tell her I want to be friends and call it quits, but... I have my weaknesses. For instance; I have a research paper I should be doing right now, but alas, I'd much rather be avoiding work altogether by writing a useless blog on the internet, so that I can pull 2,000 words out of my ass at 3 in the morning.

Oh well, I have until 2pm tomorrow.

I'll keep telling myself that until 1pm tomorrow when I have one page, and I have to write it completely off the head, citations and all...

I met a new girl a few nights ago.

C o u r t n e y

She's interesting.


5'5" (a whole foot shorter than me)

black hair (mmmm)

writer(mmmmmmmmm)(and, to make it even better, she's good!)

She's super sarcastic, she can keep up with me, she's hot, etc.

We'll see what happens with her.

In the meantime, however...

Amy needs to get her ass over here.


I'm a dog sometimes.

I love it.

Ok. I promise I will post more often.

I'm beginning to like it again!

Stay Positive.


Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm so damn tired...

I went and worked out today and I'm exhausted from it.

And Amy's likely to come over sometime tonight for a lil something...

I'm gonna take a shower and jump in bed.

Hope you all are well.

(whoever you are)


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Here it is again...

It's 2:45 in the morning and I want to go to sleep, but she's coming over.


I have no idea.


I'll get some at least, but at what cost?

Let me give you the rundown...

I met Amy almost a year ago now, and from the moment we met, we clicked. Within days, we were inseparable. For 8 or 9 months, we did not go a day without seeing each other. Do I think that was the best idea? I'm still on the fence about that one...

Anyways... It was good for a few months, but then some things started surfacing that really startled me, that I should have paid attention to, but never did. In the beginning, she lied about a lot of things, and after we got to know each other, I found out, but I never really thought anything of it, because it usually had to do with the fact that she liked me and didn't want to jeopardize that...

But something inside of me never really trusted her, and that's when things went wrong.

I should not have overlooked these things in the beginning, I should have taken them for the signals that they were about who she is. I'm not even going into the half of what went on, just know that it was a lot, and so much, that it was alarming at times. Some of the random stuff she lied about just dumbfounded me, like, "Why would someone lie about that??"

Because she's ridiculously attractive (not the first time I've thought with my dick and not my brain) and because she's actually an amazing person aside from some of her glaring flaws and inconsistencies, I didn't think twice about keeping her around.

I guess I'm making this sound too cold, which is not what I want it to sound like. I'm also painting a picture of her that she's a terrible person, deep down, she isn't. She just has no self esteem, as outrageously beautiful as she is, she has no idea. Her vision of herself is of a hideously ugly person, and inside, part of her is. Part of her is calling out. Part of her wants out, but she's held it all in for so long, I don't think she'll ever let it out...

Unfortunately I have this strange positive idealistic outlook when it comes to relationships and people I come to love. That somehow all of a sudden things will magically go back to normal.

I digress.

Our relationship was dwindling for months.

She's an emotional wreck, and relies on me for support constantly.

I'm a pretty emotionally sensitive person, (although no one would ever say that, in fact, people think I have no emotions at all, unfortunately, they're all usually let out in secret) and I've been working 40 hours and taking 15 units the whole time we've been together, so it's dragged me down lower than I've ever been.

Fuck this dilly dallying...

The point:

She's coming over tonight.

She cheated on me a couple weeks ago, (kissed someone else) because she was drunk, and because I had so distanced myself from her and her hyper emotional baggage that I was basically pushing her into the arms of someone else. (sadly, I had hoped that she would meet someone else, so I didn't have to go through the days if not weeks of crying I would hear if I broke up with her.)

When I found out she had kissed this guy and confronted her about it, she broke down, and then for a week and a half, called my phone every day crying, apologizing about it.

Something inside of me wants this shit to work out.

I have no idea why.

I've been with girls that made me feel fuckin incredible.


On a cloud, day in and day out.

And not given a damn what happened about the relationship.

I could have walked away at any point and been okay.

Suddenly, this girl falls into my lap, and she's completely fucked in the head. I mean, really warped sometimes, and I want to forgive her for this shit and keep moving.

The strange thing is, it has nothing to do with the fact that she's amazingly attractive, because by my own measure, I've been far more attracted to other girls I was with. It has something to do with the connection that we have. There's something so otherworldly about it when it's good, that I'm willing to put up with all of this bullshit for some reason.


It's insane.

Anyways, I'm going to sleep.

I'm gonna come and actually write something not rambling and incoherent about us and our meeting tomorrow, cuz I'm not doing it justice at all.

This is what I get for writing while deliriously tired and slightly drunk...


Not really.

My life is great otherwise.

It's just good.

I've been blessed with a lot of talents.

I want to exploit all of them to the fullest.

I have a feeling getting these things down, getting in touch with this real side of me will really help me out.

I've been in a "funk" now for years.

This last two weeks has really taught me some things...


I'm totally insane.

It's awesome.

Until next time.


Friday, May 04, 2007

Woke up an hour ago...

I have a lot to do today.

Statistics homework and study for my finals, work on my research paper for my oceanography class, 1 page paper for english, my friend wants to go to Mexico to pick up some "medication", haha, I want to work out a bit, clean up my place a bit, record a song or two (or at least get on and mess around for a while) do a load of laundry or two, my ex wants to hang out, and I work 6p-10p. After that: drunken debauchery. I woke up an hour ago, and have accomplished nothing so far...

Sittin here, listenin to some music.


I gotta get to work.

I'll talk to you later when I have something interesting to add to the universe.

I can't believe I'm writing again.

I'll have to make this a regular occurrence...

It's currently 3:40 in the morning and I'm listening to a song I wrote and recorded yesterday. "...They ain't seen this side of me, I save it for my diary, writing these words that God gave me and enslaved me with, whipped and chained me with..."

I haven't really told you anything about myself.

You'll find out eventually. You'll flesh it out from my words. But it'll never quite be what you think it is...

"...I'm not under the beast, I'm in the belly of it, and it's churnin and I'm yearnin for my way out, plannin my escape route..."

This is my escape route.

There was a time that I used to write on a daily basis. Years ago.

60% nonsense.

I'm gonna write all of it.

Everything I think, feel, experience in my life.

I need this...

"...I'm findin motivation where there's no patience..."

I just broke up with my girlfriend a week and a half ago.

She cheated on me. (kissed someone)

Not quite sure what to do about it at this junction...

She's amazing, and she called me crying for 4 days straight appologizing, but all of a sudden, I realize I've wanted this for months now, a reason to be on my own again...

In a way, I pushed her away and caused it.

Because I want freedom right now.

We'll see...

Women will pop up here and there, I can be sure of that.

I'm deliriously tired.

I have to study all day tomorrow, and work at 6 o'clock tomorrow night.

I've also decided I'm going to record another song, so I'll have a pretty busy day.

I'll write tomorrow when I can do this some justice.

This is the beginning.

